Friday, November 16, 2007

Media Convergence: Conflicting Opinions

In May of 2007 and article entitled "Big Media: Good, Bad or Both?" was posted on Poynter Institute online by freelance journalist Pat Walters. His article is about an FCC meeting held in Tampa, Florida, where advocates and opponents of media consolidation as well as people who see both good and bad aspects of it gave their opinions.

The FCC choose Tampa because it is considered to be one of the most converged media markets in the country. Tampa's largest newspaper The Tampa Tribune, major TV Station and a major Web site are all owned by Media General.

The question as to whether media convergence is good or bad is more complicated debate than it seems. An advocate claimed the convergence promotes cooperation between journalists, and gives the people a sense that the media is a part off the community. On the other hand an opponent claimed that convergence does not improve the news, but homogenizes it, giving no diversity of coverage. This opponent alleges that this results in a blending, rather than an improvement in media coverage.

Poynter President Karen Brown Dunlap offered a practical solution to figuring out whether media convergence is a problem in Tampa or not. She suggested that a small group of citizens be appointed and access the media convergence and report their findings to community and station leaders and also the FCC. Dunlap said:
"Many communities suffer under under local owners who bleed their stations for profits to promote their personal interests. There are large corporations, including chain owners who serve local communities with outstanding service. "

This issue of media convergence and ownership is an issue that must be dealt with by the general public and especially by the journalists of America. This must be dealt with especially in this time of increasing media conglomerates.

1 comment:

Lara G. said...

Big media ownership and convergence is a huge debate right now as the FCC chairman, Kevin Martin, is trying to push for action before Christmas.

As you pointed out, there are pros and cons to the convergence. Positive outcomes could include big media being able to cover and report more news and information, and also to build community between the different types of media.

However, the negatives will have a much larger impact if big media ownership is allowed. As you point out, there will be no diversity in the media. The opinions and voices of only a select group-old, wealthy white men-will only be heard in all types of media, and they will be the ones deciding what is important for the public to know. Another result is the loss of local media since they won't be able to cover as much and compete with big media. And local news and information will be lost since it will not be important enough to those select voices.

It will be interesting to see the decisions and actions of the FCC and Congress in the upcoming month, as their decisions will have a huge impact on our lives and possible future careers.

-Lara G.